Closing the health heart gap

A hospital project aimed at improving the health and care outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with coronary heart disease is leading to the development of some great initiatives at our Sir Charles Gairnder Hospital (SCGH).
The Lighthouse Hospital Project underway at SCGH is working to improve the patient experience for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
With ACS the leading cause of death among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, SCGH is one of five WA hospitals participating in the Lighthouse Hospital Project to help close the health heart gap, which is funded by the Heart Foundation and the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association.
Now in Phase 3 of the project, the SCGH Lighthouse Team worked with Aboriginal medical services across WA to better understand their needs, and how SCGH could improve communication between the hospital and these services, for the benefit of patients.
Lighthouse project officer Veronica Keys said the process led to several initiatives designed to make the patient experience less daunting and more inclusive for Aboriginal people.
“The project engaged the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre to translate heart health resources into four major languages of the Goldfields – Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjarra, Wangkatja and Tjupan – for Aboriginal patients from this region,” Veronica said.
“Information about heart attack warning signs, heart medication and anticoagulation was translated.“The process involved consultation with Elders, which in turn educated Elders on important heart health information including warning signs.”
SCGH’s flagship project during this phase was the development of Aboriginal health artwork representing the eight health regions of Western Australia.
Other project initiatives and achievements included creation of theatre caps using material from the Nagula Jarndu Women’s Art and Resource Centre in Broome, featuring an Aboriginal design, to foster a more welcoming and friendly environment within the theatre.
More information on the Lighthouse Hospital Project is available via the Heart Foundation website (external site)