Clinic appointments (outpatients)
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) receives over 100,000 referrals and provides over 350,000 outpatient appointments each year.
The majority of SCGH outpatient services are located in the central Outpatient Department in E Block on the Ground and First Floor. Additional outpatient services are also provided within speciality areas across the site.
Numerous supporting services are located within the hospital and QEII Medical Centre grounds including pharmacy, pathology collection service (Path West), MRI and imaging services and others.
In Australia, overseas visitors, overseas students and patients who are not eligible for Medicare under their current VISA arrangements are required to pay for the cost of their health care. Please contact the Overseas Liaison Officer on (08) 6457 1809 or email to obtain information regarding fees for your appointment.
More information about outpatient services is available for health professionals.
Have you received a letter or text message from us?
Sir Charles Gairdner and Osborne Park Hospitals are reviewing outpatient specialist appointment records to check the needs of patients.
We understand that not everyone will require their outpatient specialist appointment and that some people may seek care elsewhere.
We have sent letters or a text message (SMS) via Personify to patients who have an outpatient specialist referral or an appointment so we can confirm their current needs.
If you have received a letter or text message from us, please follow the instructions outlined in the letter or text message.
To be seen at SCGH Outpatient Clinics, all patients need a referral from your GP or specialist. This provides written information including your details, history and information on what consultation or care you need. Patients may also be seen for continuing care after a hospital admission.
All referrals are reviewed by the speciality and assigned a priority based on the information provided, which drives when appointments are made.
For more information on your referral you can check acceptance and priority category using Manage My Care (external site). It may take up to a week after this has been sent to appear.

Manage My Care
Manage My Care (external site) is a free mobile and web-based app where you can track public outpatient appointments and referrals for yourself or those in your care at times that are convenient for you.
Key features:
- 24/7 access to outpatient information
- See appointments and active referrals
- Track appointments for the people you are for
- Update your contact details
Manage My Care can be downloaded as a free app from the Apple Store or Google Play, or by visiting HealthyWA (external site).
Making an appointment
Most outpatients receive a letter in the mail detailing their appointment approximately a month before the appointment. If the appointment has changed or is scheduled in a shorter time frame, you may receive a phone call or text message from us.
For information about your appointment, and in most clinics to request a reschedule you can use Manage My Care (external site) at any time. You can also reschedule or cancel an appointment by contacting Outpatient Direct on 1300 855 275, or the number on the bottom of your appointment letter.
What to bring
It is recommended that patients bring to hospital, or have available for telephone or telehealth appointments:
- Medicare card or healthcare card
- a list of current medications (including creams, eye drops and over the counter medications)
- any relevant x-rays, investigations and/or test results
- If you do not have a current Medicare card please provide a copy of your passport, visa and health insurance details.
Your outpatient letter may also include specific instructions for the appointment.
Questions to ask
To help you make the right decisions about your health care, there are a number of useful questions you can consider asking at your appointment. These questions may help to guide you on what to ask to ensure you get the care that is right for you.
- Do I really need this test, treatment or procedure?
- What are the risks?
- Are their simpler, safer options?
- What happens if I don’t do anything?
- What are the costs?
More information is available on the Choosing Wisely Australia website (external site).
Changing an appointment
For information about your appointment, and in most clinics to request a reschedule you can use Manage My Care (external site) at any time. You can also reschedule or cancel an appointment by contacting Outpatient Direct on 1300 855 275, or the number on the bottom of your appointment letter.
If Outpatient Direct is unable to assist with your enquiry, they may transfer you to the appropriate clinic or send a message to the clinic with your enquiry.
More information is available on the Outpatient Direct website (external site).
Changing contact details
All patients are able to update their contact details, or for registered carers/next of kin that of a patient you care for in Manage My Care (external site) at any time.
Outpatient Direct on 1300 855 275 can also assist with updating contact details such as postal address and phone numbers, and with the location of your appointment should you forget or misplace the appointment letter.
It is important to keep your contact details up to date so we can contact you regarding your appointment.
Parking and public transport
Parking for patients and visitors (including ACROD) is available in the multi-deck car park, entry off Winthrop Avenue. This is the closest car park to the hospital. It is owned by Capella and operated by Wilson Parking.
Parking is also available at Car Park 3A (on Caledenia Crescent), Car Park 4A (off Verdun Street), Car Park 5 (underneath the Cancer Centre, off Gairdner Drive), and Car Park 7 (off Hospital Avenue).
Parking is charged at the same rate across the site. Further information about visitor parking fees is available on the QEII Medical Centre website (external site).
Parking at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital / QEii Medical Centre Campus can be difficult to access at peak times – if you are visiting the site or attending an appointment please allow ample time to locate parking.
Subsidised parking
Subsidised parking is available for patients, subject to certain criteria.
Renal, cancer services and cystic fibrosis inpatients who have explored all alternate means of transport may be assessed for eligibility for subsidised parking.
Patients approved for the subsidy will receive discounted parking. Further information is available through the Social Work department by calling 08 6457 4666, or visiting the Social Work Department, 1st Floor, E Block, SCGH (western end).
Public transport
Buses connect the hospital with the city, train stations and surrounding suburbs, with several stops along Hospital Avenue. Call the Transperth InfoLine on 13 62 13 or Plan Your Journey (external site) via the Transperth website (external site) for information.
There is a taxi rank on Hospital Avenue. Free taxi phones are at the E and G Block entrances.
TravelSmart Junction
If you need help planning your journey to QEII Medical Centre visit the TravelSmart Junction, located in the E Block corridor. Drop in between 8am and 4pm on weekdays, or call (08) 6457 4085.
Changes at QEII Medical Centre
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital is part of the QEIIMC, which is undergoing a redevelopment.
Disruptions are kept to a minimum, and your patience and support while the redevelopment continues is appreciated.
If you have questions about the QEII Medical Centre redevelopment contact 1800 356 406 or email
Your clinician may determine your appointment can be conducted through telehealth or by telephone. Your appointment type and instructions will be included on your appointment letter and in Manage My Care.
Telehealth is a health appointment by videoconference, connecting you with your medical specialist, allied health professional or nurse. This can be at home, or at another hospital or health service closer to your home if appropriate.
If you prefer a telehealth or telephone appointment, you can ring the number on the bottom of your appointment letter or Outpatient Direct on 1300 855 275 to ask if your appointment can be conducted by telehealth or telephone.
In Australia, overseas visitors, overseas students and patients who are not eligible for Medicare under their current VISA arrangements are required to pay for the cost of their health care. Please contact the Overseas Liaison Officer on (08) 6457 1809 or email to obtain information regarding fees for your appointment.
For more information on Telehealth, visit Healthy WA (external site).
Overseas patient fees
Hospital fees for patients who are not eligible for Medicare are set by the WA Department of Health. Overseas visitors and overseas students are required to pay for the cost of their care. More information about overseas patient fees.
Carers and families
Patients are welcome to bring a carer or family member with them to their appointment. If they would normally attend your appointments we would encourage you to ask them to be with you for telephone or telehealth appointments.
At the current time we ask that only one person accompany you to a face to face appointment to support safe physical distancing.
If you would like a carer or family member to be able to speak with us on your behalf, please ensure that their details are listed as next of kin. This can be updated by speaking to clerical staff at your appointment, using Manage My Care at any time or by contacting Outpatient Direct on 1300 855 275.
Listed next of kin are also able to view and manage your outpatient appointments through Manage My Care if you give them permission to do so.
Specialties and services
Specialties and services available at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital outpatient clinics include:
- Allied Health (including Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Speech Pathology and Social Work)
- Breast Centre
- Cardiology
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Dermatology
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Endocrinology and Diabetes
- Gastroenterology
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Haematology
- Hepatology (Liver Service)
- Immunology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neurological Intervention and Imaging Service of WA (NIISwa)
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedics
- Pain Management
- Palliative Care
- Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep Medicine
- Plastic Surgery
- Radiation Oncology
- Rehabilitation and Aged Care
- Renal Medicine
- Respiratory Medicine
- Urology
- Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- Youth Cancer Service
- WA Liver and Kidney Transplant Service.
Chaperone / Observers at your clinic appointment
Protecting the privacy and dignity of our patients is a key part of NMHS core values. All patients within SCGOPHCG will be offered the presence of a chaperone for examinations that are intimate in nature. Please let us know your preferences, as someone’s understanding and expectations of intimate examinations can vary according to their background and beliefs.
Tertiary hospital - what that means to you
Education is a key mission of Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group (SCGOPHCG), as we know continual learning at all levels is key to improving patient care.
You will come across learners in all fields, from students through to senior practitioners and all are bound by rules of ethical behaviour and confidentiality. If you do not wish a learner to be involved you can say no as we recognise you may be unwell or stressed, however most patients learn more about their condition when learners are involved in their care.
If you have any concerns about any interaction, please contact us via email: