A stitch in time
![Students from the Australian Islamic College with SSU Clinical Nurse Gill Groom.](/~/media/HSPs/NMHS/Hospitals/SCGH/Images/News/Stitch.jpg)
Recently the Short Stay Unit (SSU) at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital put out the call for fabric donations and sewing volunteers to make cloth bags to hold patients drainage bottles in a more practical and fashionable way. Answering the call were the textile students from the Australian Islamic College (AIC) in Kewdale.
The SSU were delighted to receive a visit from Year 9 and 11 textile students, who toured the unit and presented the SSU with several baskets of drain bags they had made.
Sehrish Chaalni, AIC Head of Learning Area said, “Having taught sewing skills to my textile students I was confident they will be able to make the bags with good quality and finishing. It was an opportunity to utilise their skills for a good cause.”
SSU Clinical Nurse Gill Groom thanked the girls and said, “It’s support and hard work like this that helps us in our pursuit of quality care for our patients.”