Collaboration brings new meal options to the table
To improve the patient experience at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Catering Services has been working closely with Dietetic and Speech Pathology colleagues to identify currently available vegetarian meals which can be modified in texture to meet the needs of patients who require either a puree or minced meal, whilst meeting the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework.
The three departments have been collaborating to finalise a matrix that identifies a variety of vegetarian meal choices that can be prepared for patients at short notice.
Meals are modified by a team of cooks which are then assessed for texture by the Speech Pathology team and for nutritional content by the Dietetics team. The logistics of preparation have been coordinated by Catering’s Assistant Manager for Food Safety, Melissa Fraser.
Once testing has been finalised there will be an larger range of choice available to patients who require texture-modified meals, particularly benefitting those who experience a longer than average stay.
Catering Services would like to thank everyone involved in this joint effort.