SCGH wins VERA for supporting DFES vollies

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital was recently awarded a Volunteer Employer Recognition Award (VERA) in the Medical Division category for Cancer, Imaging & Clinical Services (Ward G-51).
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) VERAs recognise businesses that provide flexible work arrangements. The Hon. Reece Whitby MLA, Minister for Emergency Services, and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm presented the award which is for employers and their support of volunteers in allowing them to attend emergency incidents and training during work hours.
Iris Matheson, Nurse Manager, heard of the award nomination from Cora Babenschneider, Clinical Nurse, who volunteers for both the Two Rocks Bushfire Brigade and Yanchep Fire and Rescue. “We are proud of the work our State volunteers do and, of course, a little bit extra of our own staff who are part of that. Cora nominating us for a VERA as a supportive employer was a surprise and we appreciate it.”
Cora has worked at SCGH since she moved from Germany 18 years ago and has been a volunteer firefighter for 15 of those. Cora’s volunteering has taken her to Broome, Queensland and NSW. On returning from NSW last year, she went straight to the Yanchep fires which ravaged north of Perth:
“I do it to help the Community and I find that the teamwork I experience as a volunteer is similar to that here, at SCGH.”
More than 80 organisations were honoured at this year’s VERAs, with recipient numbers increasing by 20 per cent on 2020 as volunteers and employers offer support, following recent major disasters.
“Receiving a VERA is a significant achievement but, allowing Cora and others to be paid for the amazing work they do for communities during work hours, is far outweighed by the support they bring us all during emergencies,” said Roger Schreeve, Clinical Nurse Specialist of G-51.