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International Nurses Day 12 May 2022 Thursday May 12th is International Nurses' Day and we are creating celebrating our nurses for the amazing work they do. Along with a video tribute (external site) from patients and colleagues and a raft of compliments, we are sharing the stories of some of our nurses across SCGOPHCG, some very experienced and some just beginning their careers. Wherever you are, remember to thank the nurse beside you today! Ellen Wright has been on the Renal/Hepatology ward at SCGH since graduating in December 2021. After five months as a Graduate Nurse, Ellen strives to learn something new every day and says she is looking forward to developing her clinical skills and professional confidence as her career progresses. To anyone else thinking of taking up nursing she says “Just go for it! Nursing is such a dynamic profession with endless opportunities. You'll find what you want to do.” Ellen sa...
International Nurses Day 12 May 2022 Thursday May 12th is International Nurses' Day and we are creating celebrating our nurses for the amazing work they do. Along with a video tribute (external site) from patients and colleagues and a raft of compliments, we are sharing the stories of some of our nurses across SCGOPHCG, some very experienced and some just beginning their careers. Wherever you are, remember to thank the nurse beside you today! Grace Johnson is a Graduate Nurse on Ward G61 (General Surgery) and with three months of nursing at SCGH under her belt since graduating, she is right at the beginning of her career. Grace was drawn to nursing and general surgery as she loved the idea of helping others when they are vulnerable and says “I am passionate about providing care to those in need. I also love providing patients with education about their health. I strive for quality and compassionate care and leading my...
International Nurses Day 12 May 2022 Thursday May 12th is International Nurses' Day and we are creating celebrating our nurses for the amazing work they do. Along with a video tribute (external site) from patients and colleagues and a raft of compliments, we are sharing the stories of some of our nurses across SCGOPHCG, some very experienced and some just beginning their careers. Wherever you are, remember to thank the nurse beside you today! Kate Scotcher started the very first rotation of her graduate program at SCGH ward G61 (Gen Med) in 2006 and completed her graduate program in 2007 on G52. She is now the Staff Development Nurse on G52 and says that becoming a permanent member of the team on G52 and taking on her current role are the highlights of her career so far. Kate initially worked as a chef and came to nursing as a result of the experience she had when her grandmother suffered a stroke. At the hospital (not SCG...
Celebrating our dedicated staff! 11 May 2022 Cancer, Imaging and Clinical Services Clinical Nurse Inonge Mundia has been recognised as the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Employee of the Month for going above and beyond in the care provided for her kidney and liver transplant patients, and supporting her colleagues to do the same. Inonge was nominated by her colleague for her dedication to providing holistic care to her patients with empathy and kindness, including anything from washing and blow drying a patient’s hair after surgery, to following up and providing education to family members. Inonge has been known to stop at other wards before or after her shift to complete an outlying patient’s peritoneal dialysis treatment to ensure best care is provided. Inonge supports her co-workers and junior staff members with training regarding encephalopathic patients, dialysis patients, wound care and deteriorating patients, whil...
Celebrating our dedicated staff! 10 May 2022 Congratulations to SCGH Employee of the Month, Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Staff Development Nurse, Ashlee Atkinson who has been recognised as SCGH Employee of the Month. Ashlee provides a reassuring face to patients who are scared or in pain as they wake up from surgery and has been recognised for the compassionate care and support she provides to patients, visitors, and staff in her role. In support of her PACU colleagues transitioning into providing intensive care for COVID patients, Ashlee stepped up to support staff by preparing, organising, and obtaining resources and educational material to ensure the critical care skills of PACU nurses were maintained. Ashlee was nominated by her Manager Clinical Nurse Specialist Elizabeth Fereday for going go above and beyond for patients and staff every day. “Ashlee is indispensable in this unit and is a role model for staff and stu...
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