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Farewell and thanks for Cesarita Marzo 16 February 2022 The final days of a dedicated career will be celebrated on 23 February for Cesarita ‘Ces’ Marzo, the Head of Department, Nutrition and Dietetics at SCGOPHCG. After some 18 years at the helm of the department and more than 45 years in the profession, Ces is hanging up her uniform for the last time but not before her colleagues acknowledge her incredible contribution. Prior to joining SCGH in October 2003, Ces established dietetic services at the Mount Hospital and Joondalup Health Service as well as earlier in Queensland. She was a Director for the Dietitian Association of Australia and provided leadership and advocacy for the specified callings work value case for dietetic industry. In her role here at SCGH, Ces demonstrated leadership across several platforms, all for the common good of the department, for dietetics and for the hospital. Ces advocated for and established the...
Water Safety at Charlies 14 February 2022 We acknowledge that the report in the media (external site) today focusing on the detection of Legionella in the water system at SCGH (12 February 2022) has caused distress and concern among our staff, patients and visitors. We remain committed to being open and transparent with our patients and their families and the cases referred to in today’s media article were no exception to this commitment. Legionella is a bacterium that lives in water. The finding of Legionella in a water system is not unusual - in fact your household water pipework is likely to contain the same bacteria, especially if not regularly flushed. SCGH has had a robust water testing regime in place for many years, and when there is a detection we immediately remediate it, including replacing fixtures and fittings and retesting until there is a negative result. Legionella is killed by chlorine just like other bac...
Energy efficient right from the entrance 07 February 2022 QEII’s multideck carpark had a makeover from above recently when its owner IPG replaced more than 1500 globes in order to increase efficiency and decrease costs. IPG’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint is in line with NMHS’s own Climate and Sustainability Program, which aims to reduce NMHS’s environmental footprint and deliver sustainable high-quality care. The general and emergency fluorescent lighting over the aisles and parking bays in the multi-deck car park were replaced with energy efficient LED lighting over two stages, with 340 emergency lights and a further 1192 light fittings replaced over a three-month period in 2021. Benefits realised from the project include a 22% energy saving and an estimated reduction of 165 tonnes of carbon emissions per annum. Further projects being planned by IPG for the QEII Medical Centre Multideck Car Park are: ...
Added service to our inpatients 04 February 2022 As a health service, we’re committed to providing inpatient COVID-19 vaccinations to at-risk priority population groups. To support this initiative the ‘Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Team’ is coordinating and managing the vaccination of inpatients at SCGH and OPH. Inpatients are eligible for a wide range of reasons including those at high risk of serious COVID-19 disease, those considered vulnerable and those in long stay with us. Once eligibility is determined, the treating team medical officer ill prescribe the vaccine and the vaccination team visit the patient and administer the dose. Thanks to our hardworking vaccination team including Clinical Nurse Manager Sandra Vinciguerra, who is vaccinating across both hospitals and additional wards as required. Thanks Sandra and the whole team!
NMHS COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic in prime position 27 January 2022 Our fantastic vaccination team was front and centre for the City of Perth Skyshow this January 26 offering first, second and booster vaccinations to the general public across the afternoon and early evening. Lead by the senior nurse for the NMHS COVID-19 Vaccination Program, Ann Andrews, the team consisted of four nurse vaccinators, two administrative staff and an onsite pharmacist. Over 100 vaccinations were given, with 13 first doses, 11 second doses and 80 boosters. It was a great day according to Ann, “The clinic ran very smoothly thanks to a fabulous team and the public were very receptive to obtaining information and receiving their COVID-19 vaccinations.” And as an added bonus the staff were able to view the sky show from a first-class location. "It was amazing!” said Ann.
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