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Speech Pathology at SCGH 26 August 2021 The busy speech pathology team at SCGH sees more than 250 patients a month across a full spectrum from emergency and critical care to outpatients and everything in between. Debilitating communication and swallowing disorders are especially prevalent in certain cancers, neurology and aged care and people of every age and background come through their doors for life-changing therapies. The theme for Speech Pathology Week 2021 was ‘Communication is everyone’s right’ and no one can identify with this more than 57-year-old teacher’s assistant Anita Woodall who lost her voice completely almost a year ago without any noticeable symptoms. “Over about one week my voice faded to a whisper, and with a couple of short spells of my voice coming and going, I whispered consistently for about five months,” said Anita. “No one realises how noisy the world is unti...
Balbuk Bidi Watling Walk and Retail Precinct Renewal Project 24 August 2021 Watling Walk and the E Block Retail Precinct are both having facelifts! Work on renewing the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital’s main north-south corridor and re-activating the Retail Precinct began on 5 August 2021. The E Street corridor has now been added to the schedule of works. Watling Walk will also gain a new name and will now be known as Balbuk Bidi Watling Walk. The Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Committee completed a dual-naming project in 2020 for some areas at SCGH, including Balbuk Bidi Watling Walk. Balbuk Bidi is named in recognition of Fanny Balbuk Yooreel, who was a prominent Noongar Whadjuk woman, known for her unwavering commitment for maintaining her land right. Balbuk would walk the track between her birth site and the railway station, regardless of any new obstacles, buildings or fences. The Balbuk Bidi Watling Walk works include new flooring, painting walls and ...
Patient Compliment - ‘I witnessed a level of care that I can only call brilliant’ 04 August 2021 My mother has recently been very unwell and given that she’s a public (Medicare) patient, I was concerned about the level of care she would receive. I was dreading going to the hospital to be with her. Given what I’ve read and seen on the news about staff shortages and overcrowding, I expected a stressful environment. But the reality was that mum’s room (shared with three other patients) was quiet and peaceful, and the staff were incredibly warm, caring and attentive. My sister Chantelle and I spent around three hours most days with her. We got to know a few of her nurses and doctors, and I found myself leaving each day in awe of the extraordinary job they do, day in day out. Treating each individual as just that, and providing nuanced care. Honestly at times, it reminded me of experiences I’ve had staying in high end resorts as a travel photographer/journalist. ...
Patient Compliment - 'I am so grateful I had you on my team' 30 July 2021 SCGH's Intensive Care Unit East (formerly General High Dependency Unit) recently received this heartfelt feedback from a busy Mum who has returned home to her family and is feeling strong once again. "Hello everyone in the HDU at Charles Gairdner, I have recently returned home after a week long stay with you after emergency surgery to put stents in my neck. I probably wasn’t articulate enough at that time to tell you wholeheartedly just how much your care, skill and genuine kindness meant at such a challenging time. So I wanted to take a moment now that I am (thankfully) home to tell you how important each of you are and how much what you do matters - really matters. This time in my life has been scary and shocking to say the absolute least. One day I was fit and healthy, a busy mum running around - the next I was having bedside consultations with neurologists telling me how lucky ...
Celebrating our dedicated staff! 27 July 2021 Congratulations to our May Employee of the Month Award winner Ross Manning, Manager General Support Services at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH). Ross was nominated for this award by Linda Davies, Manager Patient Support Services, who said Ross is an exceptional contributor to the Patient Support Services (PSS) team and is recognised for his value-based leadership and his extraordinary work ethic. Nothing is too much trouble for Ross and he always puts the needs of others before his own. His role is demanding, particularly considering the challenges COVID-19 has presented and the recent addition of General Support Services at Osborne Park Hospital to his role. Despite this, Ross goes about his work positively and without complaint. Ross is a role model in the PSS team, always demonstrating commitment and care for our patients and team members. The PSS leadership team and his colleag...
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