The role of your GP in your treatment plan [1:09]
The role of your GP in your treatment plan video transcript
Your GP is still an important partner in your care.
While you are having cancer treatment it is important that you continue to have a strong relationship with your GP and preferably that you nominate a single GP to be involved.
Your GP remains the best person to visit for other symptoms or issues unrelated to your cancer, including prescriptions for ongoing and long-term medications.
Your GP may also be able to help manage side effects of cancer treatment, talk to you about the effects of your cancer on your life and on your emotions, and make referrals to allied health professionals.
If a problem is unrelated to your cancer or treatment, our Cancer Centre doctors may suggest you return to your GP for further discussion and investigation.
Your GP will have a wealth of experience and knowledge around non-cancer issues as well as about services available in your local area.
Letters regarding your care will usually be sent to your GP as well as your other specialists.